Short but fabulous trip into Hilton Head Island from Beaufort. It started out as a very cold morning at 3C but sunny. Lynn and I were properly dressed, so we were not cold. All the Canadian boats ( 3 of us ) waited together until 9am to have the Lady Island bridge open for us to continue our journey. Unlike the Davies family who needs to stay in a fancy marina, the other 2 boats will be out anchoring somewhere in some peaceful anchorage.

The marines were also out flying their fighter jets over Beaufort again. I don't know how the citizens here take it listening to an F18/F22 fly over their homes with afterburners on at 9am. It is quite loud. I guess its no different than people who live all their lives near a railway track and say they never hear the trains.

We could not believe the number of dolphins we saw today. At almost every turn, it seemed like there were dolphins near the boat. The homes along the ICW were magnificent.

Before this trip started there were 2 bridges that we were going to cross that were notable for us. The first was the George Washington Bridge in New York because it meant that we had finally arrived in New York and the other was the J. Wilton Graves bridge on hwy 278 that crosses from the mainland to Hilton Head Island. We have spent 3 weeks here over the last 2 years and everytime we drove over that bridge and saw the "Intracoastal Waterway" sign we kept reminding ourselves that we would be crossing below that bridge when we head south someday on FBG. Well we did it today !

Pretty area on the shores of the Port Royal Sound

Magnificant homes along the Hilton Head Island shore

Finally crossing under the hwy 278 bridge to Hilton Head Island that we used to drive over whenever we've been here

South Carolina Yacht Club near our boat