It was a day of rest for the crew in Waterford. A beautiful sunny day was spent walking around town doing chores. One of the jobs was to find another electric heater for the boat so as to not overuse Mr. Heater. After seeking help from the people at the Visitor's center, we still could not locate any stores that offered heaters. As we strolled through town, we met a lady outside her consignment shop. We mentioned that we were boaters and what we were looking for. "Jenn" was determined to help us find one. She got on the phone to her cousin first off, then a neighbor and finally found a Dollar Store that had them in stock. "Rich" her partner, kindly volunteered to drive me over. That's what you call small time hospitality!

We had lunch at a local diner that took us back to another time with arborite table tops and metal legs and chairs, the smell of grease and a whole slew of crazy old nautical knick knacks covering the walls. See pic below.