Greetings from the first mate!

Today I had a chance to pull out my sewing machine and do a few repairs as well as a small project. During our stay at Lady’s Island Marina I asked the onsite canvas maker if he had any scrap marine fabric and he kindly offered me some, free of charge. So, I made up a little drawstring bag for our BBQ mini propane canisters. During my “sabbatical”, the first bag and its contents went missing…..probably kicked overboard on one of Allan and Jon’s rougher traveling days. It was soo nice sewing today with the companionway door open and the sound of sea gulls outside. 

Thought I’d share this sign with you.

It made me chuckle when I first read it but after further investigation I found “harassing” dolphins is a thing.  Following dolphins, feeding them and touching them all constitute harassment which can lead to disrupting these beautiful creature’s behavioral patterns.

The Captain and I promise to be dolphin “SMART”

  • Stay back 50 yards from dolphins;
  • Move away cautiously if dolphins show signs of disturbance;
  • Always put your engine in neutral when dolphins are near;
  • Refrain from touching or swimming with wild dolphins;
  • Teach others to be Dolphin SMART!

This afternoon we went walking under some beautiful live oak trees with the Spanish moss draping down. On the trolley tour in Savannah we heard that the early settlers thought the Spanish moss would be perfect for pillow stuffing. However, they quickly realized it was causing great discomfort. The red bugs or “chiggers” that inhabited the moss were biting them unmercifully. In time they did figure out a way of processing the moss and it was used for upholstery stuffing.

 Small fishing boats were being hauled out of the water throughout the day right at the bottom of our dock. Here in Kilkenny they have a hoist that can handle up to a twenty four foot vessel. Fishermen don’t like to put their trailers into salt water and due to height issues with the tides boat ramps are few and far between. This system keeps the trailer safe and makes for a fast and easy haul out.